My 32nd Year Goals
1. Save $1000 – I’m hoping this is possible this year with actually having a job, but I am only working part-time and Bean is currently laid off. So I do realize that this might not actually happen, but I’m hoping I can do this.
2. Donate blood – I really can’t believe I’ve never done this before. I don’t even know what my blood type is. I’m totally not scared of needles. I’m scared of the possibility of passing out afterwards. Crazy, huh?
3. Read the entire Bible – This keeps getting put on my list so I think this year is the time to check it off.
4. Weigh 150 lbs. – I’m being more specific than just saying “lose weight”. I’m hoping that starting to train for the 5/k will help me with this.
5. Dress more girly – With my new job, this is starting to happen. I need to add more pieces to my wardrobe. I actually love wearing my new pair of black flats.
6. Finish my bedroom – Several years ago, I completely gutted my bedroom down to the studs, removing all the old plaster. All the major stuff is done. It just needs some finishing touches – pictures and shelves on the wall, a new bookcase, the ceiling repainted and a rug I’d like to make are on the list.
7. Finish Oh! Shoot class – I started this photography class right after Emmy was born. It just wasn’t a great time with a new baby in the house, working full-time and taking a full load of classes. So I want to finish this to better my photography skills.
8. Finish Portraits class - I bought this class because they fill up so fast. I had the intentions of finishing Oh! Shoot before this one started, but it didn’t happen. This class will help me take more awesome pictures so I can bless others.
9. Visit a new state – I’m hoping that this one will be easy. As of right now, it looks like I’ll have my summer free. So I’m hoping a trip to somewhere I’ve never been before can happen – even if it is just a weekend in that state up North.
10. Make a pumpkin pie - I’m planning to use one of the pumpkins I grew to make this.
11. Take 10,000 pictures – Calculated, this is like snapping 27.4 photos a day. But I’ve probably got a pretty good chance of doing this. So far I have two senior shoots to do. Mom wants a family picture. Got a 3rd birthday/family shoot possibly this week. I’m also doing the Daily December & starting Project Life (see below) this year.
12. Learn song on my guitar – So I had myself convinced that I couldn’t do this on my own, but I could never find anyone to teach me. But I recently got thinking that if I can teach myself to quilt using only the internet, I can probably learn a song on my guitar as well.
13. Fix supper 2x a week – This will be a challenge as we don’t have the habit of eating supper.
14. Finish Emmy’s 2nd year book – I want to have this done by Christmas. She so enjoys looking through the books I made of her 1st year.
15. Do Daily December book – Ali Edwards has this challenge of making a scrapbook that details something about celebrating Christmas every day during December. I’ve wanted to try this for several years now and I’m going to do it this December.
16. Start Project Life – Another scrapbooking project I’ve always wanted to do is Project Life. It’s by Becky Higgins and it is all about documenting your everyday life. It likes like a very interactive process and I’m excited to finally be committing to it. I had trouble deciding when to start it, but settled on making it all about the year that was 2012.
17. Read 20 books – I actually have two in progress already – Jeremy Camp’s book and The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring (inspired by last year’s movie goal). I have two more books I’ve ordered to read plus I’m sure there’ll be some books for school.
18. Watch 20 movies – One of those WILL be Breaking Dawn. Another will be Courageous after it comes out on DVD. I also have The Grace Card on hold at the library.
19. Complete 5/K – Have all intentions of completing the Brad Harper 5/k later next month.
20. Try 12 new recipes
21. Daily prayer time – SO looking forward to this!!
22. Go camping – did not happen at all last year. This fall would be a great time, hint, hint.
23. Make an apple pie – from scratch, of course.
24. Sew a skirt – carried over from last year. I have a job where I can wear skirts so this would be nice (& more girly).
25. Build craft armoire – I need some real storage behind doors for my sewing and other craft supplies. Got the plans. Just need to borrow the saw.
26. Make 10 crafty things – I’m on pinterest and have been pinning things I’ve liked. Must make some of these things.
27. Do 10 things I’ve never done before – always a fun little goal to work towards.
28. Mani &/or pedi – didn’t happen this year but will definitely happen this year. Hey, I didn’t have anywhere to go last year to show it off (:
29. Start living room makeover – This is kind of a vague goal, but I need to leave it that way because of finances and not knowing if the money will be there to do everything. What I would like to do is paint the walls, put in a ceiling fan, replace the carpet (may have to have the bare wood for a while again), hang photo gallery and look into slipcovers for the furniture (I have found this place that sells really discounted slipcovers from places like Pottery Barn – it’s just deciding if they’ll fit my furniture).
30. Be intentional with my time – It was hard to name this goal…basically I just want to be a good steward of the time I’ve been given, which could mean a lot of things. I just want to intentionally do that.
31. Clean/organize the basement – Christmas break project, maybe??
32. Clean out the garage – I want to take everything out, hose it out and then only put back the stuff we’ll actually ever use (Mom – you better start thinking about what to do with the trunk).