Friday, February 17, 2012

5 months in to my 32nd Goals

I can’t believe this year will be half over next month. I’m feeling pretty confident in the progress towards some of my goals.  The bad thing is I’m already thinking of things for the next list, which is going to have a different look thanks to Lyndsey. I’m real excited about it.

#1. Save $1000 – Just not going to happen this year. A part-time job is not conducive to saving $.

#2. Donate blood – Still need to do this.

#3. Read the entire Bible – I printed off a great list of the books with each of their chapters listed that I can mark off as I read. I just folded it in half and put it right in my Bible (I have The Message/NIV version and just love it).  Click here to print the list off for yourself.

#4. Weigh 150 lbs. –  I have taken a major step to this goal – I joined the gym!  Bean & I have been going the last two weeks.  Last night I managed to run 4 laps around the track!!  The scales are only saying I’ve lost a pound, but I put my jeans on today for casual Friday and realized that they were not as tight as last week.  They say muscle weighs more…

#5. Dress more girly – I’ve been trying out some new color combos. I don’t know if it’s working, but I tried.  I even wore a scarf yesterday.

#6. Finish my bedroom – Well, the armoire is done. I have a plan for my jewelry storage issue. I have a feeling I’ll be yard saling for some picture frames this summer as my walls are still very bare, um, like completely bare.

#7. Finish Oh! Shoot class – I’m going to try to do this by the end of March.

#8. Finish Portraits class – need to finish #7 first.

#9. Visit a new state – I think I need to plan a long weekend to M*ch*gan or Tennessee. Of course, I’m debating now if I can put Kentucky back on the list of places to visit. We did only stay across the river for Reds games. We never actually did anything but sleep in Kentucky.

#10. Make a pumpkin pie – Done!

#11. Take 10,000 pictures –  Probably should count and see how many I’ve taken.

#12. Learn song on my guitar – Emmy discovered my guitar. A guitar string needs replaced. I’m sure we can all figure out why.

#13. Fix supper 2x a week – Well, this really hasn’t happened.  Our schedules are just not in sync.

#14. Finish Emmy’s 2nd year book – No where near being done, but I have a big scrapbook day scheduled next month.

#15. Do Daily December book – I think this summer I’ll work on getting an album together so I’ll be all ready once December hits. It’s always pretty busy between September and December 1st.  Getting that done ahead of time will help me stay on top of it once December rolls around.

#16. Start Project Life – While I don’t have any weeks completely done, I’m plugging along.  I find that I either have a ton of stuff for a week or not enough. 

#17. Read 20 books – So I’ve started The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King this week.  I’m also reading a great book called Wrestling Prayer by Eric & Leslie Ludy. It’s been pretty good so far. And all the books for my courses that start in March have started to arrive.  Now if only the weather would warm up so I could go out on the porch and read.

  1. I Still Believe by Jeremy Camp
  2. Middle School Ministry Made Easy (for school)
  3. Courageous (the novel based on the movie)
  4. The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring
  5. 7 Practices of Effective Ministry by Andy Stanley (for school)
  6. The Castle in the Attic (read w/ my 4th graders)
  7. The Hunger Games
  8. The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers
  9. Among the Hidden (read w/ my 4th graders)
  10. The Help
  11. The Search Committee

#18. Watch 20 movies – So I finally got to watch Breaking Dawn!  Even though I liked the book better, the movie was pretty good.  I may have watched it like four times since it came out on DVD.  Emmy Jo even likes it.  I also watched Crazy Stupid Love. Hilarious!  I was laughing so hard that Emmy came in and yelled at me to be quiet and go to bed at one point.  Going to flashback to the 80’s this weekend with The Smurfs.

  1. The Grace Card
  2. Madea’s Big Happy Family
  3. Little Fockers
  4. 12 Dates of Christmas
  5. Something Borrowed
  6. Flypaper
  7. Courageous
  8. Crazy Stupid Love
  9. Breaking Dawn
  10. Abduction

#19. Complete 5/K – Well, since I’m back to doing some training again this could happen!

#20. Try 12 new recipes – DONE!

  1. Loaded Baked Potato Soup
  2. Homemade bread – failed
  3. Apple Pie
  4. Pumpkin Pie
  5. Pumpkin Fudge – failed
  6. Buckeyes
  7. Homemade Pop Tarts – for Christmas Eve brunch
  8. Green Monster Spinach Smoothie (it actually is not as bad as it sounds)
  9. Hawaiian Sweet Roll Ham Sandwiches – for the Super Bowl
  10. Mexicorn Dip – for the Super Bowl
  11. Wendy’s Chili – tasted just like Wendy’s chili
  12. Corn & Potato Chowder – it was ok. I guess I’m not a chowder girl.

#21. Daily prayer time – I found an idea for a prayer journal to help me with this.

#22. Go camping – Spring is just about here!!

#23. Make an apple pie – Done!

#24. Sew a skirt – So a skirt for Emmy is probably going to come first (I have material for it). But a skirt is a skirt no matter how small.

#25. Build craft armoire – I’m going to claim this one done. It just needs a little touch up around one of the knobs and another magnet to keep it closed. The next step is getting all the stuff in there organized.

#26. Make 10 crafty things – Got my list of ideas…and it keeps growing.

#27. Do 10 things I’ve never done before – I’ll think of things and then I forget by the time I make the list out. I’ve done more than two things.

  1. Be a gym teacher.
  2. Cooked pumpkins and then froze the meat.
  3. Be a music teacher – had to sub for the last class one day. They were playing recorders and it was pretty fun. I had just enough musical experience to direct them.

#28. Mani &/or pedi – not yet

#29. Start living room makeover – Next on my list is to hang the shelves I was going to put in my bedroom in my living room instead. Then I need to look for a ceiling fan.

#30. Be intentional with my time – I have been trying to spend some more time with Emmy – like watching videos of animals on YouTube or watching Breaking Dawn. (LOL)  Does that count?

#31. Clean/organize the basement – Bean got a good start on this last month. Our ancient deep freeze is now gone.

#32. Clean out the garage – Coming this spring!

Lord, I Lift Your Name on High


This praise song was in my head one morning last week as I got ready for work. It got me thinking about the scripture behind this chorus. So I looked some up.  Sometimes I think we just get used to the words and don’t think about what they are really saying.

Lord, I lift your name on high

Hallelujah! You who serve God, praise God! Just to speak                                         his name is praise!  - Psalm 113:1-3

Lord, I love to sing your praises

Come, let's shout praises to God, raise the roof for the Rock who saved us! Let's march into his presence singing praises, lifting the rafters with our hymns!  - Psalm 95:1-3

I'm so glad you are in my life

The God who has been my shepherd all my life long to this very day… - Genesis 48:11

I'm so glad you came to save us.

But when the kindness and love of God our Savior appeared, he saved us, not because of righteous things we had done, but because of his mercy. He saved us through the washing of rebirth and renewal by the Holy Spirit, whom he poured out on us generously through Jesus Christ our Savior, so that, having been justified by his grace, we might become heirs having the hope of eternal life. – Titus 3:4-7

You came from heaven to earth, to show the way

I came down from heaven not to follow my own whim but to accomplish the will of the One who sent me. – John 6:36

From the earth to the cross, my debt to pay

Because of the sacrifice of the Messiah, his blood poured out on the altar of the Cross, we're a free people—free of penalties and punishments chalked up by all our misdeeds. And not just barely free, either. Abundantly free! He thought of everything, provided for everything we could possibly need, letting us in on the plans he took such delight in making. He set it all out before us in Christ, a long-range plan in which everything would be brought together and summed up in him, everything in deepest heaven, everything on planet earth. – Ephesians 1:7-10

From the cross to the grave, from the grave to the sky

After his death, he presented himself alive to them in many different settings over a period of forty days. In face-to-face meetings, he talked to them about things concerning the kingdom of God…As they watched, he was taken up and disappeared in a cloud. They stood there, staring into the empty sky. – Acts 1

Lord I lift your name on high.

I will praise you as long as I live, and in your name I will lift up my hands. – Psalm 63:4